
Showing posts from July, 2019

Books for Pharmaceutics

Please follow the Below given link to access Books for Pharmaceutics With the Help of google drive/Docs   Link:-

Books for Microbiology

Please follow the Below given link to access Books for Microbiology With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:-

Books for Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Please follow the Below given link to access Books for Pharmaceutical Chemistry  With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:-

Books for Antony and physiology

Please follow the Below given link to access Books for Antony and physiology  With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:-

Books For Pathophysiology and clinical pharmacy

Please follow the Below given link to Books For Pathophysiology and clinical pharmacy With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:-

Books for Biochemistry

Please follow the Below given link to access Books for Biochemistry With the Help of google drive/Docs  Link:-

Books for Research Methodology

Please follow the Below given link to access Books for Research Methodology  With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:-

Pharmaceutical Dictionaries

Please follow the Below given link to access Pharmaceutical Dictionaries With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:-

Drug Guide and Pharmacopoeia

Please follow the Below given link to access Drug Guide and Pharmacopoeia  With the Help of google drive/Docs Link: -

Pharmaceutical Analysis

Please follow the Below given link to access Pharmaceutical Analysis books With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:-

Regulatory Affairs Book

Please follow the Below given link to access Regulatory Affairs Book  With the Help of google drive/Docs Link: -

USP 2018 Free Access with BP 2018 and IP

Please follow the Below given link to access USP 2018 With the Help of google drive/Docs Link:

TGA module 2-5

Module 2 (Summaries Module) Will Module 2 form part of the dossier? How to complete this information Confirm that Module 2 will be provided in the dossier. Using the list provided, check 'Y' next to each section of Module 2 (or its equivalent) that will be attached to the PPF. Where an applicant believes the requirement for a document is 'not applicable' for a particular application, a justification must be included in section 2.3 Justifications and further information. What else do I need to do? For information on the content of Module 2, see the Module 2 information on the  CTD guidelines . Module 2 is a module that summarises the data to be provided in Modules 3, 4 and/or 5. The TGA requests, wherever possible, applicants provide a complete draft of CTD Module 2, but recognises not all applicants will have a complete Module 2 prepared at the time of PPF lodgement. As such, the TGA allows applicants to fulfil this requirement for Module 2 data by pro...

Module 1: Administrative information and prescribing information for Australia


As per USP-42 Description and Relative Solubility
