Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Robotics Industry – Current Applications
AI applications for healthcare are becoming more common for white-collar automation and diagnostics . However, medical robotics is an area that may be marginally underdeveloped. This is likely because of regulations concerning automated surgery. In this article, I cover how AI software is finding its way into medical robotics now and how it might in the future with more investment and when the density of AI talent at medical robotics companies increases. Specifically, we explore: AI for Medical Robotics – What’s Possible, and What’s Being Used by healthcare clients right now. We found little to no case studies showing a health network or hospital’s success with AI-based medical robotics. The State of AI at Medical Robotics Vendors – the AI talent at medical robotics companies and a discussion of how to vet a vendor on whether or not its software is truly leveraging AI We begin our exploration of AI applications for medical robotics with an overview of the po...