Noise spectroscopy of nanowire structures:- Fundamentals and Application distinct

Nanowires (NWs) have recently emerged as a new class of materials demonstrating unique properties which may completely differ from their bulk counterparts. The main aim of this work is to give an overview of results on noise and fluctuation phenomena in NW-based structures. We emphasize that noise is one of the main parameters, which determines the characteristics of the device structures and sets the fundamental limits of the working principles and operation regimes of NWs as key electronic elements, including field-effect transistors (FETs). We review the studies focusing on the understanding of noise sources and the main application aspects of noise spectroscopy. Noise application aspects will provide information about the performance of core–shell NW structures, the gate-coupling effect and its advantages for detection of the useful signal with prospects to extract it from the noise level, random telegraph signal as a useful tool for enhanced sensitivity, novel components of noise reflecting dielectric polarization fluctuation processes and fluctuation phenomena as a sensitive tool for molecular charge dynamics in NW FETs. Moreover, noise spectroscopy assists understanding of electronic transport regimes and effects, transport peculiarities in topological materials and aspects reflecting Majorana bound states. Thus noise in NWs on the basis of Si, Ge, Si/Ge, GaAs, InAs, InGaAs, Au, GaAs/ AlGaAs, GaAsSb, SnO2, GaN, ZnO, CuO, In2O3 and AlGaN/GaN materials reflects a great variety of phenomena and processes, information about their stability and reliability. It can be utilized for numerous different applications in nanoelectronics and bioelectronics.

I’ve said this before, but if I had to pick one general feature of the current scientific literature versus that of (say) 30 years ago, I would vote for the ability to obtain data at far smaller scales (higher resolution) and the corresponding ability to more fully characterize structures and species that are far larger and more complex than the homogeneous-small-molecules-in-solution of classic spectroscopy. Our knowledge of surfaces, for example, is vastly greater thanks to the combination of scanning electron microscopy and the various single-atom-tip physical microscopy techniques (such as AFM, STM and so on). Solution-based techniques like NMR have become more capable thanks to improved pulse sequences and data handling. Super-resolution microscopy techniques have led to a revolution in imaging, revealing things that would once have been considered impossible to capture. Meanwhile, X-ray crystallography has provided a huge number of new protein structures (which can make solving further protein structures even easier), and cryo-EM has emerged to provide high-resolution structures of large and difficult proteins and protein complexes that likely could never be crystallized at all.

You can’t always get to these levels of resolution simply by making smaller versions of the instruments that you already have, because you start running into limits. That includes signal/noise at the very least, but also means difficulties in shrinking some of the physical components such as lenses. You start crossing over from the classical world into the quantum mechanical one if you keep scaling down, but that can also be an opportunity to move to modes of detection that aren’t available on the classical scale (such as the scanning tunneling microscope tip).

For complete details on the Article Kindly refer below DOI Link of Article


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